Friday, January 11, 2008

Does Your Website Talk?

Dear Friend,

If you are like most people marketing anything on the internet, then chances are you rely heavily on your website to close the sales for you.

The big problem with leaving all the sales to the quality of your website is that not all websites, or sales letters for that mater are created equal!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not claiming to be a master copywriter, or website designer myself. In fact I dread trying to write sales copy as much as you probably do.

I just sit down at my computer and just start telling the story about what my product does and how it can solve a problem the potential buyer may have.

I try to first come up with a headline that grabs the readers attention. In this case "Does Your Website Talk? If You Said No, You Could Be Loosing A Small Fortune Everyday..." Is that going to reel them in? Heck I don't know, to be honest I haven't got the first clue!

I'll give it a shot and if it doesn't do the trick I'll test some other headlines until I start seeing some sales.

Or you can sell your product with streaming audio....

Hummm, stream audio huh.... that sounds technical, and I have a hard enough time even putting up a website

Well it does not have to be, not anymore anyway...

Now You Can Get Your Message Across Loud And Clear!

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