Tuesday, November 30, 2010
They're calling him the Clickbank whistle blower.
==> http://www.SharingProfitStrategies.com/?rd=ym91VM0f
I believe this video is being removed today,
so make sure you go and watch it now.
Let's just say, it's FULL of surprises:
==> http://www.SharingProfitStrategies.com/?rd=ym91VM0f
But it WILL help YOU!
In fact, I'd go so far to say that THIS video
was made for you..
==> http://www.SharingProfitStrategies.com/?rd=ym91VM0f
Glen Brink
my blog - Sharing Profit Strategies
> http://blog.SharingProfitStrategies.com
How to magnetically sponsor new prospects
> http://bba.magneticsponsoringonline.com
Recommended Advertising Tools
> http://BrinksEdge.com
Recommended work at Home Jobs
> http://Brinks-Edge.com
My Latest Hot New MLM Recommendation
> http://MyNewMLM.com
PS No time to delay, see the whistle blower
expose some shocking facts right here:
==> http://www.SharingProfitStrategies.com/?rd=ym91VM0f
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Jeffrey Lant Article Review: Why I shall NEVER retire! A Declaration of Independence
When do you plan to retire? Your answer may predict how fulfilling and prosperous your life will be in your golden years. So much is now available on the internet, it's easy to find somethng you would like to do to maintain your interest in life, or even start a new one.
There are countless examples of going out in style. Winston Churchill rising yet again to power in Great Britain, George Burns entertaining yet another sold out audience, Malcolm Forbes taking flight in his hot air balloon, or more recently Betty White taking one for the team in that celebrated Snickers commercial, these people know how to keep life worthwhile.
As I approach my middle years of life I am very comfortable with this question as it has been asked and answered. I will be working in my business and on my passions until the Lord calls me home. I cannot imagine life without the thought of truly living until the end.
Dr. Jeffrey Lant, CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. Has written a brilliant article which is a true gift to anyone who believes that growing old means you have to retire to a sedentary life void of new challenges and vistas to explore. Regardless of how old you may be, today is a perfect day to declare as Dr. Lant has done, “I shall NEVER retire.” Make this your mantra and intend to live your life as a testament to life long learning and accomplishment.
Why I shall NEVER retire! A Declaration of Independence
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
I am at the age (64 on 02/16/11) when I am asked one particular question over and over again: “When do you plan to retire?” My resolute answer delivered con brio surprises my questioners: “I shall NEVER retire!”
Because they ALWAYS want to know why… I have decided to write this, a latter-day Declaration of Independence, to provide a ready means of response for myself and all the other people worldwide who are thrilled by what they do and the life they have fashioned and have absolutely no desire to change things, no matter what.
J’y suis, J’y reste.
It was le Marechal McMahon at the siege of Sebastopol in 1855 who memorably barked out this trenchant phrase which loosely translates into “I am here and here I shall remain!” It’s the way those of us feel who are adamant about either retaining our present position or engaging in other constructive work instead of retiring.
You see, we know a secret that the vast horde of the retired either does not know or came to understand too late: work invigorates, energizes, and exercises facilities which otherwise quickly enervate and deteriorate. In other words, productive, meaningful work is essential to staying young, alive, and alert. So, let’s review all the reasons why retirement as generally practiced and understood is one of the worst things you can ever do to yourself.
1) Retirement rots the brain.
If you have work you like, one reason you fancy it is because you have meaningful questions to answer, challenges to face, and labor to do. Work, as Sigmund Freud well understood, is crucial to the well-lived life. Take away work which engages your full attention, experience, and expertise, and you have removed a critical factor of your well-being. Formless leisure can never replace the knowledge that you are engaged in something worth doing.
2) Retirement leads to physical deterioration.
Take a good, close look at the next person aged 65 or older who passes your way. The ones engaged into significant, constructive labor (the only kind of work any of us should ever do) have an aura radiating energy and purpose. They are “with it”. Lights! Camera! Action!
The presentation of our labor less peers is very, very different. Having nothing better to do than contemplate physical infirmities and eternity, they are often peevish, selfish, with vistas narrowing, hope evaporating. In such circumstances, it is easy to see why physical problems and limitations abound.
3) Retirement slashes your income and lifestyle.
As every study grimly shows, the average person hasn’t put away nearly enough money to sustain at retirement their current lifestyle, much less do the extra things (world cruise, anyone?) you desire. Do you want to make do with less? I certainly don’t. Why face the conclusion of life scrimping, having to count every penny and cut back… and back… and back? It’s demeaning and demoralizing. What’s more it’s completely unnecessary… if you keep satisfying labor in your life.
4) Retirement renders a lifetime of experience and expertise superfluous, useless.
The day you leave your present employ, you are at the top of your professional game. You know the most, can do the most, can create the most, and solve the most. You are a person of knowledge, wisdom, and insight. Wow!
Walk out that door… cut the ties with what you have done before and your skill level and all you can do with it starts to deteriorate at once… each day diminishing your knowledge and skills. You are now walking away from everything you have aimed at and achieved for so many years. Does this make any sense at all?
5) Retirement reduces respect, deference, and awe.
Are you good at what you do? Have you worked a lifetime to perfect your skills, to be and do better than others in your field? Are you a master of your craft, with the respect, deference and even awe that that generates? Will you like doing with less and less of this, as the relevancy of what you know and can do inevitably diminishes; as you move farther and farther away from the peak of your skills?
When was the last time you watched a retired person at any event in your field? They were no doubt greeted politely, even enthusiastically. But the conversation quickly moved on to today’s questions, today’s challenges… and as it did so the retired person, no matter how supreme he had been before, became inevitably de trop.
Remember when this happened to former star Norma Desmond when she returned to Paramount Studios in “Sunset Boulevard”? It was, in the truest sense of the word… pathetic. Is this what you really want, to be forgotten… but not gone?
6) Retirement reduces your ability to help others.
The best careers are always about the good you do to others. Retire and that important ability declines day by day, painfully, inevitably.
Have people benefited from what you know and can do? Has the need for this knowledge and skill abated in any way? Or is it as robust as ever? If the latter, then why (except for purely selfish reasons) would you ever want to stop helping? Stop improving? Stop transforming and enlightening? It makes utterly no sense… no sense at all.
How a wily German prince, long dead, is influencing your life.
Prince Otto von Bismarck was probably the most important statesman of the 19th century, conniving as he did at the unification of Germany. But perhaps his even more important (and invidious) legacy is the fact that he determined the age of retirement for much of the world. This determination is having a very definite and pronounced influence on… you!
Prince Bismarck, first Chancellor of the Imperial Reich, wanted to dish the fast-growing German Socialists, alarming people with a very different national vision than his own. Old-age pensions provided him with the means of seeming benevolent to folks whose votes he wanted, without costing much.
German statisticians (then as now superb at their craft) made it clear to him that most people would never live to 65 and that that, therefore, was a most admirable date to pledge pensions. And so a sacred cow was born, with Prince Bismarck’s raucous laugh reverberating through the years, keeping millions enthralled to one of the most cynical of men and his very cynical policy: promise what you will never have to give.
Today, you are young at 65… act like it!
Today’s 65 year olds are completely different from those of over a century ago. For one thing, we are alive. For another, we are healthier, more fit, more active…. and thus in no particular practical need of retirement or the trickle that is Social Security.
It’s time, therefore, to take a new view of retirement; to see it for what it is, not the solution to but the enemy of our well being. Join me: say no to retirement. It’ll be the very best decision you have ever made and will put you in the company of sovereigns and pontiffs, none of whom ever retire either!
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., www.Worldprofit.com where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant’s live daily webcast and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice!
So what are your retirement plans? Be sure to post a comment or share your own thoughts about -- to retire or not to retire. or If you like this article and found it useful, please feel free to tweet it, share it on Facebook, or bookmark it using the resources below.
I am here to help you succeed in your business and life!
Glen Brink
Learn More: Worldprofit Free Associate Membership
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Friday, November 26, 2010
GENUINE Push Button Software Takes Autopilot Earnings To New Levels
Lucky for you you're one of my most valued
subscribers… because you need to hear this.
I just heard from this guy Andrew Wallace, he’s
got something big he's about to reveal.
It’s about to make some people very rich...
and some people very unhappy.
And it's something you've never seen before…
He has put together a video and a FREE report,
revealing everything.
You need to go see it now...
==> http://www.SharingProfitStrategies.com/?rd=oh60BYs3
Seems this guy's a renegade programmer on a mission…
burned by the gurus after losing his job, he took
action to make REAL affiliate commissions and expose
the things they do to us.
He's come up with something completely unique...
Something that made him $379,783 in only 60 days –
as you'll see proven live on video without a shadow
of doubt.
So meantime... a sneak preview.
You just have to see what it's all about.
==> http://www.SharingProfitStrategies.com/?rd=oh60BYs3
Andrew's keeping this pretty close to his chest...
He knows the 'gurus' he's exposed already are mad as
hell... he has to be careful.
So he just sent me over an outline and all I can say is...
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==> http://www.SharingProfitStrategies.com/?rd=oh60BYs3
It’s pretty special...
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Look out for a mail from me tomorrow about how you'll
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You won't regret it.
Glen Brink
my blog - Sharing Profit Strategies
> http://blog.SharingProfitStrategies.com
How to magnetically sponsor new prospects
> http://bba.magneticsponsoringonline.com
Recommended Advertising Tools
> http://BrinksEdge.com
Recommended work at Home Jobs
> http://Brinks-Edge.com
My Latest Hot New MLM Recommendation
> http://MyNewMLM.com
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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==> http://www.SharingProfitStrategies.com/?rd=kj0I9Sm5
Glen Brink
my blog - Sharing Profit Strategies
> http://blog.SharingProfitStrategies.com
How to magnetically sponsor new prospects
> http://bba.magneticsponsoringonline.com
Recommended Advertising Tools
> http://BrinksEdge.com
Recommended work at Home Jobs
> http://Brinks-Edge.com
My Latest Hot New MLM Recommendation
> http://MyNewMLM.com
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
You Have More Courage Than You Think
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Tuesday November 16, 2010 | |||||
"You must do the thing you think you cannot do." Eleanor Roosevelt You Have More Courage Than You Think My fiancee Babette and I recently rented the "Karate Kid" movie starring Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan. She really really wanted to see it, but I was pretty sure it was going to be cheeseball. I never saw the original, and was fine with missing this remake. But something happened while we were watching the movie. I started to become emotionally involved with the characters: Dre (played by Jaden), the small kid who is bullied by bigger, older kids. And Mr. Han (Jackie Chan), the kung fu master disguised as a maintenance man. As the story played out, I realized it was not about punching and kicking. It was about courage and love. Now I realize this movie may, indeed, be kind of mawkish. But I found myself moved to tears -- even when we watched it a second time. Afterward, I thought about the real-life Jaden Smith, son of rapper turned TV star turned A-List movie star Will Smith. I have been a Will Smith fan since the '90s. As a student of success and its causes, I have studied him carefully, because he has a unique claim to fame. He is the only person who has hit the top of the charts in all three major entertainment categories: music, TV, and movies. Elvis didn't do it. Sinatra didn't. Madonna didn't. Mariah Carey didn't. Only Will Smith, the Fresh Prince from Philly, did it. And watching Jaden on the screen, it's easy to see his father in him. His facial expressions, mannerisms, even the way he moves his mouth -- you can see his dad's influence. That got me thinking about where courage really comes from. Imagine how confident young Jaden must be to have someone like Will Smith believing in him. Of course, if you ask Will, I bet he'd tell you that Jaden has more confidence than he himself had at that age. And that's the way it should be. Will Smith built on the example of his parents, who built on their parents, and so on. The word courage comes from the Latin cor, "heart." And isn't it interesting how many times we refer to the heart when talking about people who act with both kindness and courage: "He spoke from his heart." "She's all heart." "Follow your heart." Follow your heart. It sounds so simple. And maybe it is simple -- but it isn't always easy. Sometimes following our heart is the last thing we want to do -- because our HEAD tells us we're crazy! For example, when I launched SuccessClinic.com in 1997, I had no business skills, no money, no contacts, and no idea how to run a profitable business. Every day, I'd wake up and ask God, "Okay, God, what do you want me to do today?" Twelve years and tens of thousands of students later, we're still here. And I'm still asking the same question. (Only I have a little more experience and a lot more help these days.) Just One Secret Could Be Worth $10,000 to You (or More) Whether you're wanting to start your own online business or already have one that's up and running, ETR's "All-in-One" Home Business Kit has everything you need to take things to the next level. You'll be learning cutting-edge secrets and strategies from leading experts like:
Just one secret... one tip... one insight... could easily put an extra $10,000 in your pocket. Because everything you'll be learning from them is geared to making you and your business far more profitable. 1. Listen to your still, small voice. You know, the voice I mean. The one that doesn't make any sense. The one telling you to take that leap and do the thing that doesn't make any sense. That one. 2. Write down all your crazy ideas. I'm not saying you should do all of them. But what the heck, they're rattling around in your head anyway. Writing them down gives you the chance to examine them and stop the rattling. 3. Share your crazy ideas with a Loving Mirror. A Loving Mirror believes in you more than you believe in yourself. Like Mr. Han did with Dre. Like Will did with Jaden. Your mentors believe you into being. 4. DO SOMETHING. Here's a great example: Most of the people who audition for American Idol can't sing. But they have a dream, and at least they showed up for it. They took action. They did something. Sure, maybe they'll embarrass themselves. But it's better than sitting around thinking, "If only I'da..." And who knows? Someone's gotta win the thing. 5. Learn from people who've already been where you want to go. Mr. Han was a kung fu master, but if Dre hadn't had the courage to ask for his help, he still would have been beaten up by bullies. Find 5 people who've done what you want to do. Contact them and show them how, why, and that THEY will benefit from helping you. Remember The Power of WIIFT: What's In It For THEM! Things get very easy when you're always talking about how the OTHER person benefits. 6. Ignore everyone else. "The only people who can tell me I can't do something are people who've tried it and failed." People love to criticize, because it makes them feel important and justifies their not taking action. Ignore them, feel sorry for them, let their non-belief spur you to more action. The only thing not to do is let them stop you. 7. Do the thing you're afraid of. Will Smith has said over and over: "When I'm afraid of something, that's the thing I do next." I loved it when Jaden's character in the movie said the same thing, nearly word for word. I know you've had the experience of being deathly afraid of something... Then you did it... And went, "Hey, that wasn't so bad after all. What was I so afraid of?" Follow your heart and you'll discover that you have more courage than you think. What are you waiting for? [Ed. Note: Noah St. John, Ph.D., is a lifestyle expert and #1 bestselling author of The Secret Code of Success: 7 Hidden Steps to More Wealth and Happiness. In the words of Stephen Covey, "Noah's Secret Code of Success is about discovering within ourselves what we should have known all along -- we are truly powerful beings with unlimited potential." For a limited time, get the first 3 chapters of The Secret Code FREE at NoahStJohn.com. Noah was at Early to Rise's Info-Marketing Bootcamp last week. He was one of the dozen experts (including Rich Schefren, MaryEllen Tribby, Perry Marshall, and, of course, Michael Masterson) who helped teach budding entrepreneurs how to start and grow an online business. But even if you couldn't make it to the Bootcamp, you can still learn how to build your own online business following the Early to Rise model. Go here to find out how.] Are You Part of this Elite Group? After hearing about the many successful folks who credit Michael Masterson and ETR with helping them along the way, we've come to realize there is an "elite" group of ETR readers. These are people who are serious about their success. They are "doers" and want to take action. However, they need that little extra "oomph!" to get them going. That's why we've created ETR Premium... To give you behind-the-scenes access to a one-of-a-kind "mentorship" with Michael Masterson and ETR's trusted advisors that will help you get the ball rolling (and then some!)... "This by far exceeds every event that I've attended" "I cannot rave enough about this ETR conference. I've been to several bootcamps and several marketing seminars in the past, and this by far exceeds every event that I've attended. All the speeches have been incredible. I recommend that anybody who is serious about information marketing absolutely attend. It's been a real thrill to listen to Michael Masterson speak, he has so much real advice that we can all follow and we can all learn from." Rebecca Eisele No Business? No Problem! Want to get rich but you don't have a business (or any clue on how to start one)? Don't worry. All you need is ETR's "All-in-One" Home Business Kit, where you'll get a rock-solid blueprint for building your very own profitable online business -- from scratch! Top Internet marketing expert Brian Edmondson will give you his 12-step plan for launching your business... Perry Marshall, AdWords guru extraordinaire, will show you how to get a flood of traffic to your site... Joshua Boswell will give you his personal templates for creating products in a jiffy (even if you hate writing and have no idea where to begin!)... Stop letting time slip by. Start your own info-marketing business today! Today's Words That Work: Mawkish Something that's Mawkish (MAW-kish) -- from an obsolete English word for "maggot" -- is hokey; overly sentimental. Example (as used by Noah St. John today): "Now, I realize this movie [the 2010 remake of 'The Karate Kid'] may, indeed, be kind of mawkish. But I found myself moved to tears -- even when we watched it a second time." | |||||
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We want your feedback! Let us know your thoughts on today's issue. Email us at: AskETR@ETRFeedback.com Copyright © 2010 Early to Rise, LLC. NOTE: If URLs do not appear as live links in your e-mail program, please cut and paste the full URL into the location or address field of your browser. Disclaimer: Early to Rise only recommends products that we've either personally checked out ourselves, or that come from people we know and trust. For doing so, we receive a commission. We will never recommend any product that does not have a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee. Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Financial Advice. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized Financial Advice. We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in any security recommended to our readers. All of our employees and agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after the mailing of printed-only publication prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company. Order Processing Center |
Monday, November 15, 2010
Michael Masterson's no-nonsense formula for success
Dear Early to Rise Subscriber, Great news - Michael Masterson's long-awaited new book is finally here - and it's a doozy. The book is called The Pledge: Your Master Plan for an Abundant Life. And if you want a hard-headed, no-nonsense, no-fluff formula for getting whatever you want out of life, then you must get your hands on a copy today. The Pledge is guaranteed to help you... ... break free from whatever has been holding you back and killing your dreams... ... make faster progress towards you goals - whether it's getting that six-figure side business going, winning a promotion at work or just finding more time to spend with your family... ... get twice as much done - in even less time - without killing yourself... ... and much, much more. These are the secrets that propelled Michael Masterson from pool digger to multi-millionaire businessman. And they're exactly what you need to make 2011 the best year of your life. For more details on everything you'll discover in the pages of The Pledge, click here. Sincerely, P.S. By the way, I've also got two terrific bonuses for you when you order your copy of The Pledge: Your Master Plan for an Abundant Life today. Click here to claim them.
You are receiving this e-mail as a part of your subscription to Early to Rise. Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized financial advice. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized financial advice. We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in any security recommended to our readers. All of our employees and agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after the mailing of printed-only publication prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company. _____ To unsubscribe from Early to Rise and any associated external offers, Click here To cancel or for any other subscription issues, write us at: Order Processing Center |
When Life Gives You Lemons... Make Money!
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Monday November 15, 2010 | |||||
![]() "Whenever you fall, pick something up." Oswald Avery When Life Gives You Lemons... Make Money! You've probably heard the expression "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." In other words, turn a negative into a positive. I'd rather turn it into money! Let me explain... I was invited to be a coach at Early to Rise's 5 Days in July Internet Business Building Conference in Miami this year. It was an incredible experience to help others realize their dream of building their own Internet businesses from scratch, and I was walking on air at the end of the week. Well, those great feelings came to a sudden halt on my way home from Florida. My plane had just departed from the gate, and we were heading out to the runway for takeoff. I sent a text message to my wife and children letting them know that I would see them in a few hours. Just then, the pilot announced that during the pre-flight check an indicator light came on and we had to return to the gate so maintenance could find out what the problem was. After sitting on the plane for an hour, we were told the problem could not be fixed quickly and we had to de-board. The flight was eventually cancelled and rescheduled for the following day. Life had just given me a big bag of lemons! Success Is as Easy as "1, 2, 3" To start your own profitable info-marketing business, you need only three things:
And now, it's easier than ever to make it happen. Because for a limited time, we're offering ETR's BIGGEST business-building event at a price that's 89% LESS than what others have paid. You'll end up with a tested, proven, rock-solid blueprint for creating your own info-marketing business. One that will generate profits for you, even while you sleep! I had been away from home for a week, and my wife and children missed me. (My youngest cried every time I called and told them I wasn't coming home yet.) I had checked my luggage, so I had no clean clothes, no toiletries, and no toothbrush. I couldn't even comb my hair! I didn't have a charger for my phone because I had packed it. So when the battery died, I was unable to call or text anyone. So... what would you do if faced with this situation? Take the free hotel and meal vouchers from the airline and hit the hotel bar? Take a cab to the nearby casino and see if your luck changes? Watch TV in your room and do nothing? I decided to make some money. I fired up my laptop and managed to accomplish the following before that battery, too, died:
So instead of just sitting there being upset about my cancelled flight, I DECIDED to be as productive as possible. I took advantage of the unexpected free time the airline had blessed me with, and did as work as I could. So the next time life hands you lemons (and it will), forget the negatives and focus on the tasks that will make you money instead! [Ed. Note: Pete Genot is the founder and editor of The Healthy Minute -- a free online newsletter publishing the latest breakthroughs in the health industry. Each issue is designed to be read in about 1 minute, and can help you live a longer, healthier life. Sign up today and Pete will send you a free report that details an abdominal workout routine he's developed over the last 25 years. You have to see his before and after photos! Pete acted as an ambassador and coach for attendees of our Info-Marketing Bootcamp last week. And he was joined by a dozen of the top Internet marketing and business-building experts working today, including Rich Schefren, MaryEllen Tribby, Perry Marshall, and, of course, Michael Masterson. If you couldn't make it to the live event, you can still learn how to build your own online business by following the Early to Rise model. Go here to find out how.]
The Wealth-Building and Success Advice ETR Is Known For -- We've come up with a way to let you in on Michael Masterson's private communications -- the ones he normally reserves for his paying clients, business associates, family, and close friends. These messages contain the greatest wealth-creating secrets Michael has ever conjured up... and have been directly responsible for one of his clients' meteoric success as a $300-million-a-year global operation. "I never attended a conference with this much great information." "The ETR conference completely over-delivered. Every speaker, everything promised, was delivered and then some. The accessibility of speakers, the warmth of the staff -- I never attended a conference with this much great information. Made some great connections with people." Sean Wander California girl accidentally discovers $6 billion "Internet Goldmine" Southern California native Valerie Johnson was simply "shopping for pajamas" online one day. And then... strictly by chance... she stumbled upon a rather unusual website. Most people have never heard of it. Not even most seasoned online entrepreneurs. But Valerie found it. And it changed her life forever. Today -- thanks largely to the $6 billion "Internet Goldmine" Valerie discovered -- she can work from home, call her own shots, and live life completely on her own terms. What's more, her online business brought in close to $2 million in recession-slammed 2009! Here's Valerie's story... PLUS a way for YOU to master the exact same website that helped her become a seven-figure online entrepreneur. Today's Words That Work: Autodidact An autodidact (aw-toh-DIE-dakt) -- from the Greek for "self-taught" -- is someone who has learned a subject without the benefit of a teacher or formal education. Example (as used by Steve Coll in The New Yorker): "Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, had a tumultuous youth in Australia and grew into an autodidact with eclectic skills and a deep distrust of hierarchies and governments."
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Sunday, November 14, 2010
$200 discount expires Tuesday
Dear ETR Reader - All was going well - gold was being pulled out of Mr. Darby's mine at record numbers. Until one day it all dried up. Darby hunted and hunted for that gold vein. But could not find it. Finally, he gave up and sold his equipment. The new owner hired an engineer and together they discovered the richest vein of gold in north America... just three feet from where Darby gave up. In the world of money and wealth, little things make a huge difference. Let me repeat - a HUGE difference. This past week, many of your fellow ETR readers gathered down in Delray Beach, FL. There they discovered for themselves that they are just "three feet" away from massive success. The "engineers" were in the room - masterful online marketers who know where to find rich veins of gold in today's struggling economy. Michael Masterson... Rich Schefren... Joshua Boswell... Perry Marshall... Brian Edmondson... Andrew Lock... Drayton Bird... and others. Together, they cracked open the mine and exposed rich veins of gold. The most powerful thing they revealed to us was this: You're just "three feet" away from success. Serious wealth and business success is within your grasp. In fact, as Rich told us, all those things you thought were holding you back are the very things that will launch you forward... if you just apply them right. You have just two days to grab the entire Bootcamp experience - all the presentations and all your questions answered - at the lowest price. When you order before Tuesday, November 16th at 5 p.m., you'll receive a huge $200 discount... The rush is on! To hit your own "gold vein" you need to act today before the price goes up. By virtually experiencing Bootcamp today, you could get started with your online business immediately and...
Yes, you can do all of that... the virtual in-house Bootcamp experience shows you exactly how... step-by-step. Order today and save $200... and then put that saved $200 to work for you uncovering your own gold strike. Click here to order and make it happen. Remember, this discount disappears in just two days... and no amount of searching will bring it back. Once it's gone... it's gone. So, why wait? Order your Bootcamp experience right now by clicking here. Best Regards, Jason Holland
You are receiving this e-mail as a part of your subscription to Early to Rise. Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized financial advice. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized financial advice. We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in any security recommended to our readers. All of our employees and agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after the mailing of printed-only publication prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company. _____ To unsubscribe from Early to Rise and any associated external offers, Click here To cancel or for any other subscription issues, write us at: Order Processing Center |
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The Michael Masterson Journal
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Issue No. 68 - $1.91 | Saturday, November 13, 2010 |
Anne Morriss
What Does It Really Take to Change Your Life? I was 13 when I first heard the word "underachiever." Mrs. Growe, my ninth-grade English teacher, used it to describe a student who had, in her opinion, failed to work to his potential. The student? Yours truly. "Mr. Masterson," she announced to the class, "is the classic example of an underachiever. He doesn't complete his work assignments. He shows up late for class and then wastes his time daydreaming. As a result, he produces C work. From a child with modest potential, I would be happy with mediocre results. In his case, I am very disappointed." I was not surprised at the assessment. It was accurate. I couldn't deny it. The female maturation process held my interest at that time. That and football. And goofing around with my friends. And just about anything else but schoolwork. I wasn't a good reader. And I couldn't sit still during class. Much later I discovered that I was suffering from a combination of dyslexia and what is now called "attention deficit disorder." But neither Mrs. Growe nor I knew about such things then. As far as she was concerned, I was a perennial slacker. I shared her opinion. At least once a year, however, I promised myself that I would "turn over a new leaf." I sensed, as Mrs. Growe did, that I was not as dumb as my grades suggested. And I felt, deep down in my bones, that eventually I'd make a success of myself. But before I could be successful, I had to change something very fundamental about myself. And that change began at the end of my senior year, when I woke up one day and realized I was disgusted with myself. I was tired of being the perennial screw-up. I was sick of getting lousy grades and playing the fool in class. I wanted to become the person Mrs. Growe thought I should be. But it seemed to be too late. There was only a month to go before graduation, and it was obviously impossible to rectify four years of poor performance in so short a time. Since my grades were mediocre, I had no chance of getting a college scholarship. And since my parents couldn't afford to help me with tuition, I had no choice but to attend a local community college. The community college was happy to take my $400 a year, and would be equally happy to give me the Cs I had been earning in high school. But I wasn't willing to live that life any longer. I realized that, oddly enough, my lack of success was a benefit in disguise. I was about to put myself in an academic environment where mediocrity held sway - where I would be competing with other high-school screw-ups just like me. What if I used the remaining time I had in high school to prepare for a new and better life in college? What if I directed my energy toward developing skills and habits that would help me succeed over the next four years? And that's exactly what I did. The Saturday after I made my big decision to change, I drove my '56 Bel Air to Nassau Community College in Hempstead, NY. I gathered together everything I could about the school and the curriculum I was going to be involved in. I brought it all back home with me and spent the rest of the weekend carefully reading every pamphlet and brochure. I was doing something I had never done in school: getting ahead of my competition by planning my success. In the next few weeks, I became a minor expert in that little college. I knew every course they offered, every major they offered, and every teacher who'd be teaching freshmen that year. Taking the initiative to plan my success gave me a very positive feeling. I could actually feel myself changing. I was becoming - even before I began - a serious and committed student. I realized that I would be starting college as a brand-new person. None of my teachers would have heard about my high-school antics, and none of my fellow students would be expecting me to be the class clown. Starting college without the bad reputation I had established in high school was like a gift from the academic gods. I could walk into my new classes as an interested, enthusiastic student who was there to succeed. And that's what happened. I showed up for classes in September on time, prepared with the required texts. I sat in the front row and raised my hand whenever the teacher asked questions. I did my homework assignments and spent my spare time studying. Between attending classes, studying, and running a house-painting business on the side, I worked 16 hours a day, seven days a week. By the end of the first semester, I had the reputation of being an A student. Throughout the rest of my college and graduate-school career, I never retrenched. I sometimes think about what would have happened to me if I hadn't finally become disgusted with myself. Or if I had failed to make those preparations that allowed me to turn over a new leaf. It's highly likely I would be grinding out a living somewhere, working a job I didn't like, struggling to pay my bills and making futile resolutions - knowing I'd live out my life as a habitual underachiever. The difference for me was the simple realization that if I didn't change myself, my life wouldn't change - not then or ever. I had wasted my high-school years making promises I never truly meant to keep. But I was tired of doing that. Thinking back, I can see that there were several factors that allowed me to change in a serious and committed way:
Have you made resolutions that you've failed to keep? Held dreams of success and happiness that you've failed to fulfill? Do you sometimes feel that, however much you've done, you are still, in part, an underachiever? If so, there is good news. Your past behavior has no bearing on your future work habits. If you can change the way you work - even just a little - you can change the way you live. Most people reading this will think, "I don't need another motivational speech. What I need is a change of luck." I'm here to say that luck had nothing to do with the change in my life. And it needn't have anything to do with whatever changes you would like to make in yours. Had I waited for luck to come to me, I might be waiting still. My life changed when I got fed up and started planning my success. You, too, can change your life if you are: (a) dissatisfied with the lack of success you've had so far; (b) willing to make a big change - and not just a minor adjustment; (c) prepared to start working differently and thinking about yourself as a different kind of person; and (d) willing to start now by preparing yourself to succeed. The best way I know of to do that right now is to read my new book, The Pledge, from which this essay was excerpted. You can order today. One of my close personal friends and business associates, George Franklin, a business owner, took himself from bankruptcy to millionaire in four short years after following the same core principles in The Pledge. David Kelly, an overworked South Florida doctor, went from working 80 hours a week and squeaking by to having a net worth of seven figures - all while slashing his workweek down to just 15 hours. He credits the techniques I later wrote about in my book. Here's just a small taste of what you'll find in The Pledge...
[Ed. Note: Michael Masterson welcomes your questions and comments. Send him a message at AskMichael@ETRFeedback.com.] | |
© 2010 Early to Rise, LLC. | |
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Friday, November 12, 2010
Your ETR Insider
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From The Desk of Laura Rodini | Volume 1 | Issue 38 | November 12, 2010 | |||||
Dear ETR Insider,
Wow! How weird it feels to sit at my desk again -- something I haven't done since our Info-Marketing Bootcamp began on Sunday. I didn't want the conference to end. The energy in the grand ballroom at the Delray Beach Marriott was simply electric. Part of that came from the great presentations:
I was truly inspired. And I wasn't the only one. When I turned on my computer this morning, I was touched to read this note from John Marsh:
Find out for yourself what all the excitement is about -- and participate in Bootcamp from the comfort of your own home! Click here to get your conference DVDs while they're available. Our special price ends in a few days. | A "Pay It Forward Tip" |
One of the great things about this conference is that the learning didn't stop in our lecture hall. Everyone was committed to building their business relationships -- between sessions, at our nightly cocktail parties, and at our VIP dinner. In fact, many people left the conference with a network of 200 friends they didn't have before they came. These friends can not only help each other build their online lists, they'll have a great proving ground to test/refine their ideas and make sure they do it all in good time! Tandelyn Weaver, for instance, the creator of http://www.PersonalFreedomforWomen.com, had an "Aha!" moment on how to correctly identify Google AdWords for her business. She got it after talking with Pete Genot -- an ETR alum and the guru behind TheHealthyMinute.com -- and she asked me to share it with you: The Right Way to Identify Google AdWords 1. Look up keywords in Google Keyword Tool. Any keyword that has over 2500 searches is a good one to use.EX: Female owned Business Global Searches: 22,200 Local Searches 18,0002. Go to the Google browser, search for the keyword --put quotation marks around the word. Look for search results of less than 250,000. However, if you have search results of less than 50,000 that is fantastic! EX: "Female Owned Business" Search results 10,9003. Take this keyword and do the following: a. Write a post on your blog b. Write an article and submit it to EzineArticle.com or Articlesbase.com c. Create a short video and send to YouTube.com d. Write a press release and submit to PRlog.org (You could use PRWeb.com but it is a paid site)Note: PRlog.org teaches you "how to write a press release." 4. Be sure include the link to your site in your articles and videos. 5. COMMIT TO DO THIS EACH WEEK. 5. Go through Steps 1-4 with a new keyword each week. "According to Pete," says Tandelyn, "I should begin to see some positive results if I do this for 6 months. He told me to e-mail him then to share my results! I suggest you, too, let him know if this strategy works for you!" Thanks Pete! And good luck Tandelyn. | Build A Site, Meet Major Media |
Bootcamp was just like a family reunion! I love how people return again and again to our events. I was especially happy to see John Daniel Roberts, an IT professional, photographer, illustrator and published author I met 4 months ago at our 5 Days in July conference. John's passion is the environment. "I'm green, but I'm pale green, a term I picked up from T. Boone Pickens," he told me, "I care about ecological issues, but try to illustrate them in a mellow, entertaining way." Now, he's been busy working on his website, called TheWoodChips.com. The Woodchips feature cartoon trees, "having fun, saving our planet one chuckle at a time." John publishes a weekly cartoon, along with three or four blog posts throughout the week. "My illustrations show all the funny things in life we have to deal with," he explained. John has created a whole cast of cartoon tree characters: Elmer, Woody, Maple, and June Nipper (get it?), who appear in his blog and have lives just like ours. At our 5 Days Conference, we convinced John to move his existing Wood Chips website over to WordPress. "I figured I should listen, since Agora (which owns half of ETR) was responsible for some pretty good marketing efforts." "And I'm glad I did. WordPress has allowed me room for future expansion. And applying ETR's marketing advice has increased traffic to my site every month. Last month alone, traffic was higher than all of my prior sites since 2007." Just last week, John's website cartoon made the front page of The Huffington Post! The cartoon, called Lady of Leisure, sympathetically shows a Woodchip gal trying to keep all of the plates of her life in the air. Responding to a customer request, he had added fun note cards featuring the cartoon to his online store. This triggered interest in his website and landed him on the Huffington Post front page. "I had three questions as I came to Bootcamp." John told me. "1.) How to increase signups? I was getting good traffic (about 21,000 hits a month) but low sign-ups for my newsletter 2.) How to further define my target market? And 3.) I sensed there were two internet marketing models, the newsletter model and the website clicks model - I wanted to get more clarity on that and decide if my current website model was right for me. "I made progress on all three questions, so to me the conference was a success," John said. "I got a great deal out of the event, including taking over 60 pages of notes - I had to drink a beer left-handed yesterday because my writing hand was in intensive care - but hey - we adapt!" Our hats off to you, John! Looking forward to your next post. You can visit John's site at www.TheWoodChips.com. | 'Til We Meet Again |One more thing before I sign off this week... (and this one is bittersweet). Five years ago, I had a regular job in a suburban office park outside of Washington, DC. I did the same things and ate the same lunch (a peanut butter and jelly sandwich) every day. I was bored. But more than that, I was disappointed -- with myself -- for being a college grad with an MA degree whose very best writing came under someone else's byline. So I spent my spare time working on my travel blog. But it was through a Google search on "technical analysis" I came across the Investment U website. That was my introduction to Agora Inc. I was impressed from the start. Agora Inc. is a place where you go to exchange news and ideas, just like people did in the agoras in ancient Greece (hence the name). New ideas are encouraged here. Better yet, implemented. I had the good fortune to work at Agora's Oxford Club in Baltimore before moving to Florida last year with Early to Rise.
The rest, as they say, is history. But now, my tenure is history as well. I have a new opportunity at Agora -- to be Marketing Director for International Living. It's an invitation I couldn't refuse. I'll be splitting my time between Baltimore and Waterford, Ireland. And as a part-time travel writer and full-time nomad, I relish the idea of traveling 'round the world to help people create businesses and retire overseas. But it's with a heavy heart that I say goodbye. I've learned so much from Michael Masterson and the entire ETR staff. This has truly been the best year of my life. Most of all, I want to thank you... for opening your hearts and your e-mail inboxes to me every Friday. It's been a true pleasure meeting you. You inspire me. And I look forward to staying in touch for many more years thru Agora. Sincerely, We want your feedback! Let us know your thoughts on today's issue. Email us at: AskETR@ETRFeedback.com | ||||||
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Copyright 2010 Early to Rise, LLC. NOTE: If URLs do not appear as live links in your e-mail program, please cut and paste the full URL into the location or address field of your browser. Disclaimer: Early to Rise only recommends products that we've either personally checked out ourselves, or that come from people we know and trust. For doing so, we receive a commission. We will never recommend any product that does not have a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee. Important: ETR is dedicated to bringing its readers the newest, most hopeful and most trustworthy information and advice about internet marketing, findings and products. Because we are a for-profit publication, we include advertising copy in each issue and send our readers advertisements we approve of. When our editors like and use advertised products we talk about their features and benefits in our editorial. Readers should be assured that although we may have a financial interest in a product we talk about, we will never recommend anything we dont believe in. Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Financial Advice. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized Financial Advice. We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in any security recommended to our readers. All of our employees and agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after the mailing of printed-only publication prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company. |