Monday, August 24, 2009

"hand it over"

Dear Early to Rise Reader -

Nobody's talking about it.

You see, every business has a handful of key secrets that determine its success or failure.

If you've run a business successfully, you owe your success to these secrets. If you've tried to run a business and failed, it's because you weren't aware they existed.

One of these is a secret that nobody really talks about.

This single secret has the power to turn a failing business into a blockbuster. But for some reason, those who know its power are keeping silent.

Worse - as Michael Masterson says - this critical element is "invisible to newcomers."

Now, you can spend years trying to claw your way into the "inner circle" to possess that secret...

Or you can ask the insiders themselves to hand it over.

Here at Early to Rise, we've mastered this critical secret to Internet marketing success. In fact, we've been using it to make money online for the past 10 years. The same secret has made household names out of Internet superstars like Rich Schefren, Jeff Walker, and Jeff Paul.

Yet most people aren't even talking about.

In the letter you are about to read, Internet insider John King reveals how you can get everything you need to know about this "dirty little secret" and its money-making power.

You can get a peek at this invisible secret below.


Charlie Byrne
Associate Publisher, Early to Rise

P.S. Find out below what the Internet elite have been hiding... and discover how just 3 steps could make you enough money to retire within a year.



Exposed: The Dirty Little Secret the Internet Elite Tried to Hide!
"If YOU Pushed a Single Button and Cash Automatically Filled Your Bank Account,
When Would You Stop Using it!?"

When you were making $400,000 a year?...
Or when your business hit $6 million a year?...
How about $10 million in twelve months?!!!

Yes, it's for real. They just didn't tell
you how to do it.

NOW the missing piece of the internet-riches jigsaw is YOURS!

At last, your dream could become a reality with
these 3 simple steps...


Monday, 2:05pm


Your gut started telling you something wasn't right, didn't it?

You did your part. You tried out some of the Internet programs, maybe even put up a website or two, but it didn't happen as expected did it?

And yet, you KNOW a few are getting rich off the Internet by pushing a button. You see them in coffee shops with their backs to the wall, smiling at their laptops. I should know, I'm one of them...

I was about to take the rest of the week off as usual, but something compelled me to grab another coffee and write you this letter. They say writing all your frustrations down eases them. Maybe so, but I just want to be able to sleep soundly tonight...

Can we talk for a few minutes? Right here I'm going to reveal what they've been hiding and how just 3 steps could make you enough money to retire within a year...

Hi, my name's John King. (I'll be upfront right now and tell you it's a pseudonym. You see there's a lot at stake here and by naming names I'm putting myself in very a precarious position, thus the need for privacy).

But what I have to tell you is very real and 100% verifiable...

When you're in the know about something- like I am about making money online- you can see right through all the nonsense and how it's manipulating people. And as you and that flap in your front door well know, there's plenty of that out there!

Well, I can't sit by any longer and watch the lies and disinformation. I have to expose their smoke and mirrors because it's blinding you from the true money-machine the Internet could be in the right hands. What's more, they don't need to misdirect you because there's enough for us all out here in cyberspace!

Why "They' Were Economical With The Truth...

Look, I'll cut to the chase. You know when you've wandered down a blind-alley, don't you?

It's okay to admit it. You see, "they' know you want to claim your share of internet wealth. That's why you've been bombarded with sacks of ads offering so-called "turn-key' websites and other lame schemes. There's no shortage of internet "gurus' offering to guide you to online cash is there? Maybe you've tried some of these things, maybe you haven't, but in any case I'll bet you aren't happy with the results...!

Mining for Gold

You know, in the great Gold Rush the people who made the most money weren't the miners. No, it was the merchants providing mining equipment to them!

Nothing wrong with that of course, but what those miners really needed was a map which showed them where to dig.

Of course, if those merchants had such a map they'd keep it for themselves wouldn't they?

And that's EXACTLY what "they' have done with the Internet...!

Why am I Blowing the Whistle?

Sorry if this sounds like a rant, but I've seen one too many silly ads for making money online. I suppose that's one reason why I've decided to break this unofficial code of silence too many of the Internet players seem to stick to.

We sit by and watch so many of the dumb schemes being promoted but we all know a dark truth... and I'll share it with you right here.

You see, I'm in the information business- something I'll be making available to you, too - and part of the pleasure is helping people. Sure, the money's great but when you know you've helped someone out, it means just as much. You can be a cynic and think it's all about the money, but you'll soon know what I mean.

But unlike so many others out there, you've walked through this golden door... a door which has been bolted until now...

What's Wrong With this Picture?

By now, you could be forgiven for thinking making money online is akin to some kind of black magic! You've probably heard the talk about SEO, XML, PPC and ended up more confused than when you started.

But you know, it's really very simple. Make no mistake, what I'm about to share with you (for FREE) is THE secret. It only fills a couple of lines but this is the truth you've been denied by so many of the so-called "gurus".

Ready? Here it is (drum roll please)...

People predominantly use the Internet to check their email.

Ta da! Okay, okay, right this second that won't mean much but by the end of this brief chat, you'll see why this is how you could fill your bank account at will... by pressing a button...

You Could Push a Single "Magic' Button and
Watch the Money Tumble in!

You have to first understand something critical about the Internet. Again, this is good FREE advice: If you put up a website and wait for people to show up, that's like putting Las Vegas in the middle of the desert (as it is) and not giving it any casinos...!

If you have a website and do nothing to bring people to it, it's like a city in the desert. Nobody's going there unless you give them a reason...!

Now, armed with the knowledge that people predominantly use the Internet to check their email, if you can send someone an email that brings them to a website you could make stacks of cash just by pushing a button.

And of course, it costs NOTHING to send an email! How many businesses have a ZERO marketing expense like that?

Hold it! I'm not talking about "spam' here (unsolicited emails). And don't worry if you don't have a website or anything to sell people- you don't need to as I'll explain...

3 Simple Steps to Freedom

It's hard to describe that feeling. The magic of pushing a button and literally watching the screen as money pours into your account. And let's not forget that in the process, you're giving a lot of people what they want and helping them in their lives.

And you want to know the most guarded secret of all?

Getting to that snazzy position of being able to push a "magic' money-button could be as simple as 1,2,3 because others do all the work for you!

I propose to hold your hand through 3 simple steps. These 3 steps to true freedom...

  1. Get other people to put up a website which offers free information to visitors by email subscription. Use other peoples' information (legally) to send your subscribers.
  2. Piggy-back on other peoples' websites to get email subscribers for your website.
  3. Use other peoples' products and sales material to fill your bank account at the push of a button!

And that's it. It's all about inside knowledge... the REAL inside knowledge!

A Step-by-Step Tool-Kit

So I've put everything you need to take these steps in a concise and comprehensive kit appropriate called The Magic Button.

You just sit back and watch 6 powerful DVDs along with the simple instruction manual included. Then, when you're ready, a couple of phone calls and half a day of preparation later and your very own magic button could materialize!

Granted, at first your magic button might start churning out just a 'little' - say, a few hundred dollars each day.

Now, that may not sound like much, but if you make $250 a day it equates to over 7 grand a month!!!

And the truth is that the sky is the limit once you learn how "they" are doing it.

One man I know took his interest in martial arts and turned it into a fast-growing $6 million business. Another associate, once a door-to-door salesman, now owns a $10 million business based almost entirely on "The Magic Button". Then there's a third who's built a $400,000 a year income from this method!

Wouldn't that be great?!

There are people out there who might have offered this as an expensive seminar for thousands and given you the same information, but I wanted to get this in your hands as cheaply as possible. Nothing against valuable seminars - I go to more than my share every year and they have their place - but not for a simple system like this.

So what would you say it's worth if you could be able to fill your bank account on demand?

Anyway, I'm sure you have a few questions by now. In fact, this is going to be an easy way for me to explain further...

Questions and Answers

So the truth has been suppressed until now. Why should you be any different?

Well, hopefully what I've said so far has made sense. I don't mean to rant but other than Early to Rise and a few others, so much of what's out there is nonsense that makes my skin crawl.

What I'm saying - and it is really how Early to Rise has become successful - has to make sense if you think about it. What good is a website without traffic going to it? And what better way to make that happen by using email- the main thing people use the Internet for?

I've tried so many Internet programs and none of them work.

Which is why I'm here. Look, I know where you're coming from which is how this truth-at-last course was born. Most of the time the "guru' selling make-money-online doesn't walk the talk and as a result, you get a load of generic information about advertising online, affiliate programs and expensive joint venture systems. Again, there are some good programs out there but too many leave you bitterly disappointed.

Bottom line: it's all worthless without people going to a website and the easiest way by far of achieving that is through an email sent to a person who WANTS to hear from you.

So isn't this spam? Is this legal?

Please re-read the answer to the last question. In case you didn't know already, "spam' as it's called is when you receive an email from someone you didn't subscribe to. You know the sort of thing- they're usually selling "male aphrodisiacs" or re-mortgages!

This is categorically not spam! For one, people who spam get very poor results (surprise, surprise!). Using my methods, you'll see how we make people WANT to hear from us by email. And why shouldn't they? We have valuable information we're giving away! I'll show you how to build loyalty and trust so you could keep on pushing that magic button always.

I don't know how to put up a website.

What makes you think you have to?! Like you, I'm an entrepreneur, not a "techie' and it's not usually worth my time to put complicated websites up. In your kit I'll show you how to find cheap labor to do this and how to get what you need from them. There's an easy template to hand over to the whiz-kids so you can get on with what's really important.

How can I use other peoples' products and websites to promote?

I'll be directing you to a number of places who offer this. They have the products and the sales material and are willing to pay you around 50% of the money for every person you send there!

Think about this for a second. No stock to carry, no sales material to write or worry about, no need to have credit-card facilities, no shipping products, no staff, no office... it's fantastic!

That's why many of us "work' in Starbucks...!

How come the information I'll give away is free?

Because of some little-known websites I'll be directing you. Yes, you really wouldn't have to even write your own free information to give to your subscribers if you don't want to. Plus, included in your kit is some powerful material you could use to give away too.

Tell me more about using other peoples' websites to get email subscribers from.

Yes, this is a neat trick I'll be explaining in the kit and really hotwires the whole process. Essentially, many large websites go to huge lengths to attract people who want to receive free information by email. You could be piggy-backing on their s! And that's just one method of gathering email subscribers I'll be sharing with you.

Don't I need some sort of software to send out lots of emails at once?

Yes and it's a cheap and simple thing called an "autoresponder'. In the kit I tell you all about this and direct you to a simple website which could do it all for you and manage your email lists. That website is where your magic button could be - the button entitled "SEND'!

Can you tell how excited all this gets me? Well, it's hard to get bored  by pushing a money-switch...

But if these email subscribers want free information, why would they buy things?

A fair argument, but thankfully it's wrong. The free information is really just a lead-in, valuable though it is. Free information builds loyalty and trust which is why they might also be willing to buy things from you.

Think about it. You've probably experienced this yourself. You'll always take free information if it's appealing, but if that source offers you something to buy you'll also be open to buy it.

And believe me, if some people weren't buying stuff I wouldn't be bothering with all this!

Is it really that simple? If so, why isn't everyone doing it?

Yes could be WHEN you have the insider know-how. There's no need for me to ramble on for pages and pages when it could be as simple as following 3 steps under my guidance.

Why do you think the truth has been suppressed all this time? Precisely BECAUSE it's so simple. But that's short-sighted and greedy- there's enough in the world-wide Internet pot for us all I think!

Why isn't everyone doing it? Lack of knowledge, plain and simple.

What guarantee do I have I'll be satisfied?

I walk the talk. This is my business. It's a ready-made blueprint as you'll see broken down into simple steps. Shortly I'll explain my iron-clad money-back guarantee where you have nothing to lose by testing this for yourself.

When you get going on the kit, you'll know you made the right choice. Like I said at the beginning: always trust your gut!

I'm confident this could work for you because I'm simply sharing with you what others won't...

Truth in a Box

Because so many "gurus' and peddlers don't walk the talk, they tend to "wing-it'. That's why you end up more confused than you were before you tried their product!

Are you ready for a breath of fresh-air? Not only should you be delighted at getting the truth at last, but also by my training approach. It's all DVD-based you can put your feet up and absorb it all. Get used to putting your feet up by the way.

And yes, using my system, that really is all you need to get going and soon you could be CLEARING an average of $2-300 a day in your pocket!

Now, like I said, I'm not doing this as a seminar and charging you thousands. My system is so simple, fast and efficient, there's just no need. The price is just $497 (plus S&H)! Now, I appreciate this probably represents "one last stab at this' so I want to give you peace of mind you're not making (another!) mistake courtesy of all the self-proclaimed Internet "gurus' out there ...

Guaranteed Satisfaction!

No, this time it's for real. That's why I'm confident enough to offer you such a guarantee...

Let me hold your hand through 3 simple steps to your very own magic button to fill your bank account on demand. Just a few days is all that's needed. If it's not for you, simply return the product in any condition for any reason up to 30 days after delivery.

As an entrepreneur myself, I know that's the sort of assurance I'd like, so there it is.

But now, the bad news...

Only 1000 Kits Currently in the US!

If you were looking for a "catch', it just arrived. Listen, there's a reason this has been kept low-key. Yes, there's a huge pot of gold out there to share but I have to draw the line somewhere or it will get to a point where I really do shoot myself in the foot.

I don't usually get involved in things like this, but I made an exception because I was so sick of all the nonsense out there. The fastest people will get a kit and if you don't, well I'll take some comfort in the knowledge I've imparted to you here. I hope you've learned something.

Having said that, if you're fast and act NOW, a place will be yours...

The Missing Piece Could Be YOURS

Did you ever watch a magician perform and see a magic trick and be in awe of what he did?  It seems so wild and magical "until" you find out how the trick was done. Then you feel stupid that you couldn't figure it out yourself.  The point of the matter is most people cannot figure it out themselves and you are definitely not stupid or alone! 

Right now I am going to take you behind the curtain (remember the Wizard of Oz?) and show you! Once you found out how simple the illusions really were to perform, the magic just evaporates into thin air. 

Who wouldn't want to make a simple $2-300 a day on average?

Who wouldn't want to turn this into a $400,000 annual income - or a $10 million personal business of your own?!!!

Click here now to join me in the coffee-shop office and we'll push that magic button together!

John King

P.S. No wonder the Internet money-machine eluded you for so long- you've been missing the crucial piece. Not anymore! Never give up on your dreams- especially when you're as close as you are this very minute.

P.P.S. I used to think being able to push a button watch my account rise was a pipe-dream. That's until I discovered the truth and applied a few simple steps! Just think... follow the simple instructions and a few months from now you could have a fat chunk of money in your pocket! Maybe not millions right away - but thousands and thousands wouldn't be bad for starters, would it?

And remember, for a limited time only you can claim your copy of "Eleven Steps to Living at Your Full Potential" if you are one of the first 15 people to respond.

Click Here to Order!



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