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World's Biggest Retail Store now offers amazing deals on several Penny Stocks So far, savvy investors have used this secret to see gains of: ![]() This is just a small, alphabetically-listed sampling of the gains you could have made in recent years. Dear Reader, I realize it might sound a little crazy... But if you are looking to invest in a small company, with the potential to make several times your money in the coming months, don't bother leafing through The Wall Street Journal... and definitely don't bother calling your broker. Instead, the first thing I recommend you do is get in your car and drive to the store. Why? Well... it turns out that the company that's as big as Target, Home Depot, Sears, and K-Mart combined... which saves 93% of Americans hundreds of dollars per year on everything from soap and toothpaste to tires... can now also help you make a fortune in the stock market. The company I'm talking about, of course, is Walmart. Yes... just when you thought the world's biggest retailer couldn't get any bigger or enter any more sectors of the retail space... Now comes word that the company can also actually help you find the most promising penny stocks in the world, which sell for as little as 50 cents per share. I had no idea this opportunity existed, until just a few weeks ago. But when I looked at the numbers... I realized this is something we had to investigate and report on, as soon as possible. How does this lucrative opportunity work... and how can you take advantage of it starting immediately? Let me explain the incredible story... apply for a Walmart "listing" Did you know that Walmart sells roughly $29 million worth of goods PER HOUR... every hour... 7 days a week... 365 days a year, in the United States alone? That's truly incredible when you think about it... Every single hour of every single day, Walmart is racking up another $29 million in net sales. Walmart is the world's #1 seller of nearly every retail product we consume on a regular basis... everything from CDs, dog food, diapers... to bicycles, toys, jewelry and toothpaste. Walmart also buys more than $1 billion worth of land EACH MONTH... they have America's largest private trucking fleet... and they operate a computer network data system that The New York Times says contains more data than the ENTIRE INTERNET! But what does this have to do with penny stocks? Well, what many people don't realize is that Walmart doesn't actually manufacture anything. Not a single item. Instead, the company has set up the world's most sophisticated and complex retail system. In short, Walmart relies on thousands and thousands of suppliers to produce and ship products to their nearly 5,000 U.S. stores. In fact, even products that look like they are made by Walmart are actually "private label" items. That is, products made by another company... then slapped with a Walmart label. To find all the companies that can make such a diverse universe of products, Walmart employs hundreds of "brokers." Much like the brokers who work on Wall Street, these men and women based in Bentonville, Arkansas are constantly on the hunt for promising new companies, with hot new products to sell. In a typical year, for example, Walmart brokers will review applications from roughly 10,000 companies who want their items sold on Walmart shelves.
As Walmart's director of supplier development, Excell LaFayette Jr., says: "We just don't have very many empty shelf spaces." And... even if a Walmart broker likes what you have to sell, and feels confident you can deliver the goods, it's still no guarantee you'll be "listed" as a Walmart supplier. After the application, the next step is a "test run." For example, one office supply company we know of was recently given shelf space in 500 stores nationwide (from among the company's 4,258 total U.S. stores). They were required to sell about 85% of the items displayed (known as the ?sell-through' rate), over a six-week period. If you hit your numbers... you "pass" Walmart's initial test. It's a cut-throat process: Remember, only about 2% of supplier applicants are given a test run... and about 25% of those who get a test don't get listed as a supplier in at least some Walmart stores. In other words, only about 1.5% of the companies who apply to have their product carried at Walmart ultimately land on the company shelves in any significant way. Of course, if you are one of the lucky few, it can be like hitting the lottery... Consider, for example, a little-known company called Cott Beverages. Back in 1998, Cott was a very small company by Wall Street standards, worth just a few hundred million dollars. But then... Cott landed a deal to become Wal-Mart's exclusive supplier of private-label nonalcoholic, carbonated beverages... including clear sparkling, flavored waters. And look what happened next... Starting in the middle of the next year, the stock went on an incredible run from less than $3 a share to over $30 a share... a total gain in about five years of 1,233%. Most people think investing in a generic soda maker is a boring, slow-moving business... but not when that company becomes an important supplier for Walmart. Something similar happened with a little-known penny stock called RG Barry Corp. The Pickerington, Ohio based company makes slippers and other casual footwear, like flip-flops. Most investors would have told you that you were absolutely crazy to invest real money in a boring company that makes slippers. But then Walmart named the company to its "Gold Medal Supplier" program... And last year, Walmart sold about $43 MILLION worth of RG Barry slippers. So it's no surprise that in roughly the past six years, RG Barry has paid investors gains of 520%. See where this is going? When a very small stock becomes a supplier to the world's biggest retailer, early investors stand to make an absolute fortune. And this is how you can find very lucrative penny stocks at Walmart:
To see what I mean, hop in your car... and drive down to Walmart. Pick up nearly anything on the shelf and see who made it... I guarantee that whatever you pick up was NOT made by Walmart. Instead, it was manufactured by a company who landed a deal with a Walmart broker. And... if you did a little digging... I'd be willing to bet just about anything that this company has made a ton of money for some folks who bought into it before it "went Walmart." In fact, this investment strategy has probably been the most reliable way to make money over the past decade. Look at a company called Cal-Maine Foods, for example... No one's ever hear of this company, right? Well, they are based in Mississippi and sell eggs... including the cage-free, organic, vegetarian, and Omega-3 varieties. Back in 2000, Walmart was not even mentioned in the company's annual report. Then in 2002, Walmart became the company's biggest distributor, accounting for about 19% of the company's sales... which totaled about $61 million. Today, however, Walmart makes up 36% of Cal-Maine sales... and instead of selling $61 million worth of Cal-Maine eggs per year, Walmart sold an incredible $329 million in 2009 (that's a 439% increase). In short: Walmart took Cal-Maine from a tiny penny stock no one had heard of... to a cash-gushing giant.So it's no wonder the stock is up 1,344% since 2002. While you're in the food section, pick up a pack of dinner rolls. Made by Walmart? Nope. But there's a very good chance they were made by a little-known firm called Flowers Foods, under the brand names of Sunbeam, Nature's Own, or a dozen other varieties. And take a guess at what happened to Flowers stock? Well, after Walmart alone increased the companies sales by about $320 million, it's no surprise that the stock is up 941% since the year 2000. Next, I recommend you wander on over to the vitamin aisle... Pick up a random bottle of vitamins and there's a good chance it was made by a little-known company called NBTY Inc. This company has been around since the 1990s, but back then, no one knew about them. They had a decent business... steadily increasing sales each year, starting with about $73 million in sales as far back as 1991. But then NBTY landed a deal as a Walmart supplier in 1999... And over the next seven years, NBTY's sales increased by about $1.2 BILLION. Of course, for early investors, even better was the fact that the company's stock price shot up 1,004%. You get the point. It doesn't matter if you are dealing with soda... slippers... organic eggs... vitamins... bread... or any other "boring" household item... Walmart can help you find the most promising penny stocks in the world... because their selling power makes tiny, unknown companies, extremely rich. And that brings me to the opportunity we have before us today... lands deal with Walmart Although it has gone almost completely unnoticed in America... A tiny Chinese company (which trades on the U.S. stock market) has recently landed a deal with the world's biggest retailer. We conservatively estimate this deal could help send the share price of this penny stock up by more than 200% over the next few years, no matter what happens in the U.S. economy or the stock market. In short, I believe that today you have the rare opportunity to invest in a small new Walmart supplier. It's actually a Chinese company that found an interesting loophole enabling it to be listed on the U.S. stock market. This company is tiny... and is almost completely unknown in America today. Yet because it is officially a "U.S. company," it must comply with all the rigorous Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations imposed by the U.S. government. In other words, you get the incredible potential of a tiny Chinese company that has landed a lucrative deal with Walmart... and your money never has to leave the U.S. to take advantage of the situation. It's an unusual situation, for several reasons... For one, this is a very small business. Some of this company's competitors, for example, do about 28,000% more sales per year than this tiny Chinese firm does right now. Another unusual thing about this company is that they have all of their operations in China... but the firm is actually listed here in the United States.
This saved the company an absolute fortune in legal and "initial public offering" fees. The downside, of course, is that "going public" this way (today the company is listed on the NASDAQ) generates a lot less publicity than a typical IPO. As a result, and because it is still small, you have the opportunity to become a shareholder in this tiny firm long before it becomes a household name. In fact, the only two research firms covering the stock are the "underwriters" for the company's latest share offering. And I'd be willing to bet just about anything that that's the ONLY reason these firms cover the stock. Of course, if you are looking to get into an investment before the crowd, this is very good news. Almost no one knows about this company today. And recently, many good things have been happening for this firm.
The position this company is in today reminds me of what happened with a company called LJ International not too long ago... LJ is a jewelry manufacturer with operations in Hong Kong and China. The company has large and established operations in Asia... but worked for three years to make their way into Walmart, the world's #1 jewelry retailer. And when LJ was finally successful, the stock went up 387% in about three years.The point is, there's a very good chance this tiny Chinese company will see its price soar in the next few years, if Walmart can do for them what they have done for thousands of other new suppliers over the past decade. Of course, as with any investment, there are definite risks... One of the reasons this opportunity is off most investors' radar is because it involves a company that has all of its operations in China. And because it is very small --much too small to be even considered by most hedge funds and mutual funds. Another thing you have to understand about this Chinese penny stock is that, even though they are required to file statements with the SEC, just like every other U.S. publicly traded business... this firm still handles some things the "Chinese way." What I mean by that is, they are very secretive. For example: * First, the company does not hold conference calls for investors, which is unusual for a penny stock listed on the NASDAQ. They also do not provide a U.S. phone number, although nearly 35% of their sales are from North America.
Of course, that's also why we have the potential for really, really big gains. If there were no risks, the price would already be sky-high. In short, I think this is a great stock market speculation, which could easily help you make 4-5 times your money in the next few years. But please keep in mind that it has some serious risks. It's something you should touch only with a very small percentage of your portfolio. After all, if it goes up several hundred percent, that's all you'll need. In fact, this is not the only Walmart penny stock I recommend you take advantage of right now. There are actually two more... Both of these stocks are less risky than the Chinese opportunity I just described, but they also have less potential upside. Basically, I think these situations could allow you to conservatively double your money in the next year.
I recommend you take advantage of these opportunities right away. I think you could potentially make many times your money on the tiny Chinese penny stock that just landed a deal with Walmart. And I think you could potentially double your money or more over the next year with two small penny stocks that could grow exponentially, because Walmart is their biggest retailer. The details on all three of these situations are explained in full in our newest Investment Research Report, called Walmart Penny Stocks that Could Make You Rich. In fact, I'd like to give you immediate access to this new research, free of charge. Let me explain... My name is George Rayburn. I am the Executive Director of one of the biggest financial publishing firms in the country, called Stansberry & Associates Investment Research. Everything I've told you about in this letter is the result of an exclusive contract I've recently signed. You see, I recently locked up the services of one of the best equity analysts in America, who focuses exclusively on the smallest stocks in the market. His name is Frank Curzio. Prior to coming on board at Stansberry Research, Frank worked for one of the richest hedge fund managers on Wall Street (you'd probably recognize his name), where his job was to analyze stocks in the "under $10" sector. Frank then reported his findings in a monthly financial advisory, which was ranked as one of the best in the country by The Hulbert Financial Digest (the service that rates financial newsletters). He's even presented his research on national television--on programs such as CNBC's The Kudlow Report, CNBC's The Call, CNN Radio and Fox Business News. And recently, I've seen his incredible penny stock skills at work, first hand. He found a 190% winner with a chemical company called Ashland. He found a 138% winner with a mining company called Yamana Gold. He found a 140% winner with an engineering firm called McDermott, and he found a 125% winner with a company called Massey Energy. Keep in mind, these are just a few of Frank's most profitable recommendations. In fact, have a look at what current S&A subscriber Steve W. says about Frank: "I can't believe that you snagged Frank Curzio for an S&A analyst. I can tell you the guy is one of the best. He knows small caps like nobody else. You have a winner in Frank Curzio. His advice has made me a lot of money. Congratulations on your coup."Why is Frank's record so good? Well, by working with one of America's top hedge fund managers and studying literally tens of thousands of stocks over the past decade, Frank has found several secrets that can enable you to make a fortune in penny stocks, without taking big risks. For example, one of the secrets Frank uses on a regular basis is to find tiny companies that have landed a large and lucrative deal with a very wealthy firm. I told you about this situation already, involving Walmart. Basically, there are three very small companies that Frank believes could be worth a lot more money in the next few years, in large part because of their connections to Walmart. But get this... Frank says there's another similar situation occurring right now with Apple Inc. In short, Apple, the company behind the wildly popular iPhones, iPods, and MacIntosh computers, has hooked up with a tiny penny stock that could make you an absolute fortune in the coming months... Let me explain... about a tiny U.S. stock In short: Apple just dropped one of its biggest suppliers... and, in its place, awarded a key contract to a tiny, unknown penny stock. This tiny company beat out several giant blue chip firms (including Texas Instruments and Qualcomm) for the exclusive contract, which is estimated to be worth several billion dollars. The new deal gives this small company exclusive rights to supply Apple with a vital new component of the newest version of the iPhone... by far the hottest and fastest selling mobile phone in the world. (USA Today recently called these phones "the fastest-growing consumer electronics product ever.") Of course, a deal like this is absolutely huge for this penny stock, which Frank believes could be worth several billion dollars in as little as a few years from now. But here's the amazing thing... Apple is so secretive about their inner workings and proprietary agreements that they refuse to publish the details of their new partnership... or the details of the new technology. They've even required this new partner to sign a non-disclosure agreement, so no one can publicly talk about the deal. But guess what... Word has just leaked out from several key sources. And Frank has figured out exactly who this company is. He expects investors who act quickly, before it becomes widely disseminated public knowledge, could make at least 200% in the next year... just for starters. Beyond that the gains could be extraordinary... Keep in mind that when other tiny penny stocks (like Synaptics Inc., Cypress Semiconductors, and Infineon) have hooked up with Apple, they've seen their share prices skyrocket by as much as 1,410%, 600%, and 733%, in as little as 18 months.
Everything you need to know is in Frank's recent report, called: The Secret Penny Stock that Supplies Apple. Here you'll learn the full story on this tiny company's contract with Apple, what it will likely mean for the company's share price, what price to buy, when to sell, and of course, a full financial analysis. I would like to give you this research, and the full details on the penny stocks supplying Walmart, free of charge. These two research reports will be among the first things I give you when you take a no-obligation trial subscription to our latest investment research service: Frank Curzio's Penny Stock Specialist. Is this work right for you? Here's what you need to know... Penny Stock Specialist is a brand new investment research advisory that aims to capitalize on the lucrative penny stock secrets Frank Curzio has uncovered during his 15-plus years as a professional small stock analyst. I can say with absolute certainty you won't read about these secrets any place else. For instance... I've already told you about one of Frank's favorite penny stock secrets... finding small companies that land huge contracts with wealthy firms. This strategy has helped investors make more than 1,000% gains dozens and dozens of times in recent years. And as soon as you start your subscription to Penny Stock Specialist, I'll give you instant access to Frank's research on the incredible opportunities he has found in tiny penny stocks that have very lucrative arrangements with Walmart and Apple Computer. Another one of Frank's favorite penny stock secrets is to find small companies that land huge deals with the government. For example, in late 2008, Frank found a small $7 stock that had won a key contract to supply nuclear components, fuels, and processing services to the U.S. Energy Department. Since Frank recommended it, shares of the small firm have risen from around $7 to more than $27 - a gain of more than 285% - over the past 9 months! Right now, Frank is looking at a penny stock that makes components for the defense and aerospace market. Its components are found in ground/sea systems and air platforms and missile defense systems. The company is trading for around $5 and company insiders have purchased over 4 million shares in the past 6 months. Yet another of Frank's penny stock secrets involves what he calls the "Penny Joint Venture."
You'll hear about all these opportunities - and more - in the coming weeks in Penny Stock Specialist. The point is, investing in penny stocks can be very safe... and extremely lucrative. You simply have to know the secrets of how this misunderstood and unique sector works. Again, this is just a small sample of the penny stock research Frank will report on in Penny Stock Specialist. When you try The Penny Stock Specialist, here is what you can expect to receive... I'd like to give you immediate access to each of the two Research Reports I've described in this letter:
These two new Reports will be among the first things you receive when you take a trial subscription to Frank's penny stock research service, Penny Stock Specialist. Plus, you'll also receive... Special Report: The Penny Stock Specialist Primer. This is essential reading for anyone looking to invest in penny stocks. This report includes a full introduction to Frank's unique secrets he's accumulated over the years for finding the most potentially profitable stocks in the market and also several very important money management strategies Frank learned while working with a top hedge fund manager.Then, over the course of the next year, you'll also receive: Penny Stock Specialist (24 issues over the next 12 months). Twice a month - on the second and fourth Wednesdays - Frank will send you by email a full report on his favorite penny stock opportunity in the market. You'll also have access to the full archive of past issues and special reports. Portfolio Updates. Frank will also provide you with an up-to-date briefing on his penny stock recommendations, whenever there's important news. Plus, you'll be among the first to receive new ideas that Frank is currently putting together...
What I mean is, take the time in your own home to look over all our research, including Frank's latest reports on the tiny penny stocks that have recently landed deals with Walmart and Apple. If Frank's ideas and recommendations don't sound right for you, no problem. Let us know and we'll send you your money back... all of it. Keep the research you've received. Believe me, 90 days will give you plenty of time to make a decision about Frank's work. (Also, keep in mind that should you change your mind after your 90-day trial is up, you can still receive a refund on the remaining portion of your subscription.) In short, I believe that Frank Curzio's research is ideal for anyone who wants the opportunity to make huge gains in penny stocks... without taking big risks. Of course, don't only take my word for it. Here are just a few letters from some of the folks who have followed Frank's work in recent years... "Never been up 100%"So how much does Penny Stock Specialist cost and how can you get started? Well, before I give you the full details, there's one more penny stock opportunity I'd like to share with you, immediately... behind Congress' new law In an effort to boost cash for the Treasury, the U.S. government recently introduced a bill to legalize and regulate online gambling in the United States. Right now, Barney Frank - chairman of the Financial Services Committee - is putting the finishing touches on the new law, which would legalize, regulate, and ultimately tax online gambling in the U.S. And here's the incredible part. If this new law gets passed, it would almost certainly mean enormous gains for one small $3 stock. You see, online Poker is the segment of the Internet gaming industry that would benefit most by the passage of this new law. Research firm Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative estimates online poker is a $100 billion industry (we believe it will be more like $200 billion if the new law gets passed - as more people opt to gamble from the comfort of their homes). This small $3 stock is already one of the leading providers of software that powers online poker sites. If the online gambling law is passed, Frank Curzio says this small-cap company's sales could skyrocket as much as 400%. How do we know this to be true? Just consider the following... As of right now, this company receives all of its revenue from outside the U.S. But the company is currently positioning itself to be a major player in the U.S. In fact, management expects it would be one of the first poker software companies to get licenses to operate in the U.S. once the law is changed. A recent quote from company officials: "We are optimistic about the eventual opening of the U.S. market to online poker... As the only NASDAQ listed poker firm with poker software 100% developed in Boston, Massachusetts, we believe we are best positioned to obtain the license when first available."Not to mention, one of its affiliates recently secured a multi-year promotional agreement to sponsor the World Series of Poker (WSOP), the largest poker tournament in the world. The question is, of course, will the new law get passed? Well, according to a recent report from the Joint Committee on Taxation, Internet gambling could generate up to $42 BILLION in tax revenue over the next decade... other estimates are as high as $60 BILLION. Already, 60 House lawmakers have signed on to the new bill. With Democrats controlling Congress, this bill is likely to pass. Not only that, but the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department have expressed support for the new law as well - granting the bill's creator, Barney Frank, extra time to set up a system to regulate and collect taxes. Congress will officially decide in June. In other words, the time to get in on this small company is right now, while the stock is small and cheap. You see, you could make a lot of money from this company... whether the law gets passed or not. How? Well, the biggest gains are likely to come in the run up to Congress' decision: I believe you can buy this stock today, and make double your money BEFORE congress even makes a decision.Then, we recommend you sell half your stake... and let the rest ride. You'll essentially be playing with the "house's" money, and all of your original investment will be back in your pocket. In short, we could easily see a 100%-200% gain over the next 4-5 months, as the decision draws near. And the icing on the cake: If the bill goes through, the stock could go even higher... much higher. We wouldn't be surprised to see a 200% -- 500% gain over the next 6 months with this small stock. You see, this situation is another example of one of Frank's small stock secrets... finding penny stocks that will benefit from new government legislation. Frank's included the full details in his report Online Gambling Profits: The Secret Penny Stock Behind Congress' New Law. This Report is included with a one-year subscription to Penny Stock Specialist. A one-year subscription, by the way, for everything I've described here, costs $199. At least that's what others have paid. But here's the best part... You now have the chance to become a subscriber to Frank Curzio's Penny Stock Specialist, and take advantage of all of the opportunities I've described here at HALF-OFF the regular rate. Instead of the $199 others have paid, you'll pay just $99 for a full year of Frank's work. And again, you are agreeing only to TRY Penny Stock Specialst to see if it's right for you. If not, you can receive a full refund in the first 90 days, no questions asked. I hope to hear from you right away. Sincerely, George Rayburn, ![]() Executive Director, Stansberry & Associates March 2010 P.S. While we were putting this write-up together, the tiny Chinese penny stock I was telling you about issued an important press release. On February 22, the company's CEO announced that the Chinese firm has expanded its deal with Walmart, effective immediately. This could very well be the last time you will ever have the opportunity to buy this small stock so cheap. And we believe it will be one of the easiest ways to double your money or more in the next year. Fill out the attached no-risk trial form to get started...
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