Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The most important kind of wealth

Dear ETR Reader,

The truth is, your health is the most important kind of wealth you can have.

That's why I wanted to send you the letter below from the health team at Total Health Breakthroughs.

New advances in health research have uncovered two nutrients that have a drastic effect on how your body processes so-called "healthy" foods. To find out what they are and how they can help you feel years – even decades – younger, read on below.

Best Regards,

Jessica Kurrle
Associate Publisher
Early to Rise


This Elusive "X" Factor Can Demolish
the Hidden Nutritional Barrier That
Prevents Your Body From Using
the Antioxidants You Give It...

Knock 10 Years Off Your Looks and Get More of the Best Years of Your Life With This Exclusive New Formula!

Dear ETR Reader,

"This may be the biggest news about anti-aging since antioxidants were discovered." That's what Jon Herring, the contributing editor of Total Health Breakthroughs, said when he learned what you are about to discover.

What I am talking about is a breakthrough formula, including a factor that most health experts have never even considered.

You see, there is a hidden nutritional "X" factor that most people are not aware of. And it can make a big difference in how your body uses antioxidants.

What I am talking about could mean the difference between your body expelling the antioxidants you give it... or soaking up those compounds like a sponge and using them to rejuvenate your body itself cell-by-cell!

The fact is, you could be eating antioxidant supplements by the handful - and still feel tired, out of sorts, creaky, and just plain old!

Where's the miracle you were promised?

After all, antioxidants are supposed to defend against everything under the sun, right?

What if I told you that you could have gorged yourself on Twinkies® and hot dogs with the same results?

Shocked? You should be.

That's because of something I call the "X" factor. Keep reading while I reveal this critical factor -and the very simple solution that will unlock the health you deserve.

Loading up on antioxidants can give you a false sense of security. That's because you've been told that you're doing something good for your health!

But here's the catch: on their own, antioxidants don't work for most Americans. They can't.

But with the "X" factor, you'll unlock the full force of antioxidant power. Just imagine if you could finally knock 10 years off your looks and add countless pleasure-filled, clear-headed years to your life!

The Difference Between You Today
and You at 30!

Don't get me wrong... antioxidant pushers have it half right.

I've been taking the Bio PT Elixir everyday - just before my exercise sessions - and have found it to be an excellent energy source.  As a matter of fact, I have not had a sip of coffee since I've been using the formula. The taste of the elixir... when I mix it with fruit juices... works much better for me. I've placed two orders for the formula and I'm quite happy with it.  Thank you for making it available. ~ Henry B.

The way to defy aging is to stop free radicals from destroying healthy cells. And nothing beats antioxidants for blasting free radicals!

In fact, the amount of free radical damage you've suffered is the main difference between you at age 30 - and you today. Free radicals contribute to the aging process and slowly rob you of your youth.

To Stay Healthy and Robust,
You Must Stop Free Radical Damage!

Antioxidants stop free radicals in their tracks. That's why there's such a drumbeat for more and more antioxidants. Health-conscious people like you and me can take them by the handful.

BUT-all those antioxidants won't do you or me a bit of good unless you...


Demolish the Hidden Nutritional Factor that Prevents Your Body From Using the Antioxidants You Give It!

The American diet is at complete odds with what our bodies really need.

Our cells still need, even crave, the diet of our cave ancestors. That was meat and fish, vegetables, berries, and fruits. Because our "modern" American diet is so at odds with our bodies' needs, more and more of us have acidic blood. And that's a recipe for aging.

Would You Inject Battery Acid in Your Veins?

I have been using Bio PT Elixir for about two-and-a-half months. I purchased it because of the high content of antioxidants and phytonutrients it contains derived from grapes, various berries, and green tea. The fact that it has potassium and magnesium in it was also a deciding  factor. I felt that the high concentration of nutrients would be excellent to help with free-radical damage to the body, and might be beneficial to ward off aches and pains associated with aging. It tastes good, and is easy to swallow. My energy level seems to be somewhat improved, and my muscle aches seem to have diminished quite a bit. I recommend this product and will continue taking it. ~ Cynthia M.

Of course not.

Yet, when your body tips into the acidic range because of lack of fruits and vegetables, that's exactly what's happening. Your very blood becomes acidic. The result? You feel tired, out of sorts, and years older than you really are!

What we need is alkaline blood. Antioxidants are their most effective in an alkaline body.

There's a simple way to bring your body back to a healthy, slightly alkaline state.

The "X" Factor: Potassium and Magnesium

The key to restoring alkaline blood is getting enough potassium and magnesium.

Let me show you how important this is...

Having enough potassium and magnesium:

  • Allows us to get all the benefit from free-radical fighting antioxidants. (When our blood is acidic, antioxidants can't do their job.)

  • Neutralizes the effects of a bad diet. (Remember those Twinkies?)

  • Corrects the damage caused by too few vegetables.

  • Reduces blood acidity.

  • Extends lifespan.

Antioxidant Metabolism Depends on
Balanced Blood!

Even a minor deviation from the normal pH range can, over time, severely affect not only your metabolism, but also many organs. Acidosis causes insulin resistance, which is a form of metabolic syndrome, both of which are well known for causing general organ breakdown.

I'm sure you watch what you eat. But unless you're eating like our caveman and cavewoman ancestors, I can virtually guarantee that...

  • You're not getting enough magnesium and potassium.

  • Your body is in an acidic state.

  • And... you're throwing a lot of money away every month!

And while we've all seen antioxidant drinks before, you've never before seen this.

New Bio PT Elixir Gives You Every Antioxidant You'll EverNeed in a Formula Your Body Can Actually Use!

I take it about once every other day... I ordered because of the product content...antioxidants and the resveratrol...the magnesium & potassium...all the berry blend goodies and the green tea stuff...  

I thought the blend of ingredients was very good...and would be good for me...and I think that it is...  I don't have any particular condition to treat...I just want to maintain my health at a very high level...

I am very particular about what I take to do that and I feel that your product is a good one for me. I usually have a decent energy level for a 62 year old...so, I guess that Bio PT Elixir helps to maintain that along with the other stuff & food I take. 
~ Terry S.

Once we discovered the real secret to unlocking the power of antioxidants, we went to work combining the most powerful combination ever: potassium and magnesium to balance and alkalinize your blood, PLUS 12 of Nature's most potent antioxidants.

Especially if you HATE eating your veggies, this delicious elixir is for you!

With Bio PT Elixir, you don't have to eat your way through the produce aisle to be healthy. Just add water and -- voila! This tasty berry-flavored drink mix delivers an absolutely new and innovative formula that supports youth and vitality.

Our research team has scoured the latest, most cutting-edge research to select the top 12 antioxidant fruits for a precise formulation. These antioxidant fruits have been blended for their optimal potency.

Combined, they are more powerful than on their own. And each one has been extracted and produced to the highest standards.

"But I've tried some of these and didn't feel a difference!"

If you've tried one or more of these superfruits before, but felt little, if any, benefit, you're certainly not alone. The reason is simple. You were "hoaxed" into believing that antioxidants will work without regard to your overall blood health.

But now you know the truth. You have to have the "X" factor - balanced blood -- to experience all the goodness. You have to have blood that has the precise healthy pH balance from potassium and magnesium to get the job done.

It's Never Been So Easy to Feel Great,
Look Great, and Love Life Again!

Look at the astonishing extracts stuffed into each serving of Bio PT Elixir:

  • Grape skin extract -- The source for resveratol, thought by many to be one of the most powerful natural anti-aging substances ever discovered. Red grape skin extracts also contain powerful natural compounds that fight free radicals.
  • Açai fruit extract -- Found along the Amazon River in northern parts of South America, indigenous people refer to açai as "the tree of life." It produces luscious purple berries full of extremely powerful antioxidants. In fact, by volume, there are more antioxidants in açai berries than red wine!
  • Green tea leaf extract -- This ancient and potent free-radical fighter aids your body's defenses with antioxidants that neutralize free radicals.
  • Raspberry extract -- Traditionally used to soothe the digestive system and respiratory tract; packed with antioxidant power.

  • Lycium (goji) berry extract -- Traditionally used to support eye, liver, and kidney health, the goji berry (also known as the Wolfberry) has been a staple of natural healers for nearly 1,000 years as a tonic for strengthening the eyes, liver, and kidneys, as well as promoting overall vitality.
  • Bilberry fruit extract -- In our formula, it helps protect your priceless eyes against free-radical damage! Bilberry is rich in natural antioxidants that provide specific protection for delicate eye tissues.
  • Blueberry fruit extract -- For potent, all-natural antioxidant protection, few fruits outstrip the power of blueberry.
  • Elderberry fruit extract -- A traditional tonic used to strengthen the body's defenses and maintain all-around health and vitality. This powerful antioxidant herb is a popular seasonal supplement around the world.
  • Pomegranate fruit extract --The deep red seeds of the pomegranate are a source of a powerful antioxidant known as ellagic acid. Great for cardiovascular and liver health maintenance! Plus, they also neutralize free radicals that damage cells and can contribute to premature aging.
  • Cherry extract -- A rich source of antioxidant protection, cherries are a source of antioxidants that disarm free radicals and support your joints and blood vessels.
  • Blackberry extract -- Blackberries abound in antioxidants, which can be seen in their intense, purplish-black color. Additional antioxidants in blackberries are vitamins C and E, and ellagic acid.
  • Cranberry extract -- For the ultimate in urinary tract protection...

But...12 fruits are just the beginning!

12 Antioxidant Fruits PLUS One Stunning
New Plant Extract to Turbocharge Your Health!

Now,even if all Bio PT Elixir did was alkalinize your body so it could get the benefit of 12 of nature's

I use it almost daily. I have noticed more energy throughout the day. ~ Jenny C

most powerful antioxidants, you'd likely start feeling the effects immediately.

But Bio PT Elixir also delivers a little-known plant extract that blows even these extracts out of the water.

This mystery extract is called Pterostilbene.


Call it PT for short. This amazing substance is similar to the much talked-about antioxidant resveratrol, found in red grape skins and red wine.

"PT" is extracted from wild blueberries. The brightly colored pigments in wild blueberries are not only beautiful and inviting, but they provide antioxidant protection for the body, too.

Research has proven that the PT found in wild blueberries provides excellent free-radical protection for the entire cardiovascular system. PT is actually proven to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and to promote healthy cell division for numerous parts of the body.

100% Safe Way for the "Sugar- Conscious" to "Eat" a Lot of Fruit!

Zero sugar and chemical sweeteners -- just a touch of alkalinizing Stevia
for a great berry taste!

Here's a safe way to get all the goodness of fruits known to be powerful antioxidants without risking a large intake of fructose (fruit sugar).

Bio PT Elixir is sweetened by the natural Stevia leaf - which also helps to naturally alkalinize your body so you can get all the power of the antioxidants in this breakthrough formula.

So if you've been avoiding delicious fruits because of any concerns over sugar, Bio PT Elixir is a safe, easy way to load up!

Remember, Bio PT Elixir is

  • Packed with antioxidant power that you can finally use because you'll have the potassium and magnesium you need for balanced blood, and...
  • Supercharged with Pterostilbene and one more "secret ingredient." (Keep reading!)

In fact, the scientific literature just keeps piling up in favor of the remarkable attributes of PT.

The Icing on the Cake -
a Healthy Dose of Resveratrol

Every serving of Bio PT Elixir contains a big dollop of resveratrol, one of nature's most powerful antioxidants. It burst on the health scene more than a decade ago. However, it's been known to Chinese medicine for thousands of years as a component of Ko-jo-kon, an Eastern medicine.

Early on, resveratrol was thought to be a possible explanation for the "French Paradox."

Today, it is under serious examination by scientific researchers as an antioxidant.

Add this ingredient to the 13 other antioxidant superpowers and magnesium and potassium needed to balance your blood, and you wind up with a supercharged elixir that could benefit your health in multiple ways.

Your Bottom Line... What Would You Do With 5 "Bonus" Years... Maybe 10... Even 20 Healthy Years?

I took Bio PT Elixir for a month and  have noticed a remarkable difference in my stamina and overall health.  Not only did it give me more energy but I've also noticed that my facial wrinkles were diminished especially on my forehead.  The taste was just okay with me and I usually mix it with water.  In fact, I've been wanting to order another one.~ Jovita Y.

Would you travel to that list of places you've given up on ever seeing?

Would you go back and get a college degree or perharp get another?

Would you simply enjoy all of the little things that make life worth living... time with family, friends and grandkids, bike rides, shopping, and traveling...


Get All the Juicy Benefits
Without Eating a Bushel of Fruit!

It's so simple - and delicious! Just mix one scoop each day with six ounces of cold water. Add ice if you like. Salud! Bio PT Elixir has a refreshing berry flavor - not too sweet! No fructose or sucrose or any other type of sugar has been added.

REMEMBER - If Your Blood is Out of Whack, All the Expensive Antioxidants in the World
Won't Make a Difference.

That's Why You Need New Bio PT Elixir!

Bio PT Elixir is unique. It is the only product we know of that helps your body achieve an alkaline state...THEN gives you 12 of the world's best antioxidants... THEN adds PT to supercharge absorption... and finally, a healthy dose of the age-defying red grape extract resveratrol.

Bio PT Elixir delivers more of what you need, faster, than any other formula we know of!

What Would it Cost to Buy all of These Antioxidants Separately?

At least $239.27 for a month's worth. (And you'd have to get them from several different sources without any guarantee of quality.) Here's how the ingredients in Bio PT Elixir price out:

Grape skin extract $16.99
Açai fruit extract $7.59
Green tea leaf extract $5.49
Raspberry extract $50.28
Lycium (goji) berry extract $22.74
Bilberry fruit extract $28.00
Blueberry fruit extract $24.95
Elderberry fruit extract $12.99
Pomegranate fruit extract $12.99
Cherry extract $9.29
Blackberry extract $29.99
Cranberry extract $9.98
Pterostilbene $7.99

And that's NOT including the super-expensive resveratrol!

Now you can experience pure health with this unique blend of age-defying natural ingredients. And you don't even have to go to the doctor or a hospital or expensive "anti-aging" clinic!

Thankfully, there's no waiting -- and you won't have to bust your bank account -- to get your hands on Bio PT Elixir.

Because of the expense of the ingredients and complex, precision manufacturing process, an initial month's supply of this new formula would typically cost $79.95.

However, we feel it's so important - so truly life-enhancing - that we want you to try it. So you won't have to pay anywhere near $79.95 to get started.

It is so important to us at Total Health Breakthroughs to get this life-changing formula into your hands, we're offering THB Readers the first opportunity to try Bio PT Elixir absolutely risk-free for as little as $1.66 a day.

That's just $49.95 a month when you order a 30-day supply. And you don't risk a penny!

  • If you want to supercharge your health -- Order Now!

  • If you want boundless "get-up-and-go" -- Order Now!

  • If you want serious protection against the ravages of aging-- Order Now!

  • If you know you're not getting the fruit you need, but you can't stand to eat another apple or a single grape -- Order Now!

Think of it - over one month, even at the $79.95 regular price, your investment would be less than a daily extra large coffee at Starbucks.

Order Now

You Must Feel a Difference or Your Money Back!

Bio PT Elixir comes with our iron-clad, best-in-the-business 60-day guarantee:

Take Bio PT Elixir for 60 days. If you don't FEEL the difference, just let us know at the end of your risk-free trial. I will personally approve a full and prompt refund of your entire purchase price.

That way, you risk nothing.

My Pledge to You

At Total Health Breakthroughs, our mission is to bring you the best health and wellness products at prices that are always fair and affordable. And there's never any risk.

You are the final judge. If you don't feel a real difference, just let us know. We'll immediately refund your purchase price.

You have nothing to lose.

Bio PT Elixir can help ensure the vital health necessary to really live a robust, happy life for many, many years.

Order now and find out just how easy it is to give your long-term health a real boost.

Here's to your healthiest life ever!


Associate Publisher
Total Health Breakthroughs

P.S. Bio PT Elixir is NOT A PILL. It's a delicious powdered drink you mix with 6 ounces of cold water (or juice, if you wish) and enjoy. It's a delicious way to start the day or take a break, and it's guaranteed to produce results you can feel or your money back! ORDER NOW.

P.P.S. E-Z SHIP! You'll save money, you'll save time, and you'll never run out of Bio PT Elixir. Tell us what you want, when you want it, and never worry again. Your Elixir supply will be on "auto pilot." Click here for EZ Ship.

Order Now

People Just Like You Have Great Things to Say
About Bio PT Elixir

"I take the BIO PT every morning with my green superfood smoothie.  I love the taste; I take it to maintain good health."  

~ Howard J.

"I take your Bio PT Elixir just in water and found it a bit strong for the first 2 or 3 days but then developed a taste for it and really enjoy it now.    

After taking it for three weeks I noticed such an amazing burst of energy and wellbeing I even started going for walks which I have never had the energy or desire to do before." 

~ Eve B.

"When I am at home and consistently use it every day, once a day, for a week or more, the biggest advantage I have noticed is a HUGE reduction in my sugar cravings."

~ Helena L.

"I ordered it because you said it was the best that could be had. I take one scoop a day early in the a.m. before heading out to work. I have grown to like the taste. After two months I look forward to it. 
Reminds me of big juicy raspberries. I do seem to be able to maintain my focus longer than before I was taking it." 

~ Vernon P.

"I really like the Bio Pt Elixir.  When I ordered it I was working out of town … staying at a house with 5 to 8 guys … around people with colds and coughs... not very sanitary … working 12 hour days 7 days a week - I could feel the cold symptoms coming on.

Fortunately, the Elixir came just in time.  I started taking it morning and night.  I would put it in a bottle of water, shake it up and drink it throughout the day.  

I never got sick, never felt bad, never missed a day of work.  I still had enough energy to go to the gym after work everyday.  I would say this stuff works great."    

Mike Pickering  

"I have been taking the Bio PT Elixir for almost a month now. I had been exposed to many people who have colds and I was not affected. I used to be prone to catching it if i stay in the same room with anyone who has the virus. 
I like the taste of the elixir, and i take it first thing in the morning before i do my exercises. I have greater energy and flexibility and together with yoga and breathing, makes me feel young." 

~ Cristina B


Order Now

Click here for list of ingredients

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.







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